If Riot Control Fence is as a strong man, 358 Anti-climb Fence is a woman with a lot of talent--the combination of beauty and utility.This Mesh is primariy used for High Security Properties such as Underground Train Depots and Prisons. The cost of 358 mesh has come down in recent years this type of fencing is becoming an option for industrial and commercial properties looking for that bit of extra security.
Zhengyang 358 Anti-climb Fence provides an aesthetically pleasing and discreet fencing system whilst maintaining top end security with the aid of its unique smaller mesh apertures. These apertures make climbing almost impossible as they do not allow finger or toe holds.
Constructed using twin wire 4mm diameter horizontal wires either side of a 4mm diameter vertical wire welded at each intersection therefore creating a strong and rigid panel. The 76.2x12.7mm mesh spacing ensures excellent security whilst maintaining visibility through the fence.
The 358 Anti-climb Fence is suitable for use in most applications where medium to high security is required, such as prisons, commercial units, factories, government buildings, hospitals etc. to create a high security physical barrier.
If you are interested in our products, you can contact us through the following contact:Email:sun@sunwiremesh.com
ADD: located at 158 Pingan Street,Shijiazhuang,Hebei EMAIL: sun@sunwiremesh.com PHONE: Sam Zhang 18034017161 TEL: +86-311-67263936