Views: 3 Author: Hebei Zheng Wire Mesh Products Co, Ltd Publish Time: 2016-08-17 Origin: Site
When we walk in the urban areas, we can see the flat wrap razor wire which is installed against the fences and wall. Flat wrap razor wire is designed to protect facilities and it has wide range of applications. There are so many flat wrap razor wire suppliers and wholesales in china, and we can introduce you the best wire mesh supplier in china today.
Hebei Zheng Yang Company is specialized in designing, manufacturing and selling perimeter security products. Our flat wrap razor wire have military quality and original advantages:
Firstly, flat wrap coil installation is particularly simple when it is fitted by overlapping the fence mesh. In addition, flat razor wire can be wrapped to packaging.
Secondly, the flat wrap razor wire can substantially improve the effectiveness of the fence. Installed on this basis, innocent persons are protected from injury by the smooth wire mesh fence while the potential intruders will get frightened back.
Finally , Compared with concertina spiral razor wire, it saves space and your money. And flat wrap razor wire also provides a high barrier when mounted to the wall.
Recently , cooperating with CNIGC, Zheng Yang company has become one of the top manufacturers and exporters of flat wrap razor wire in china. We can provide flat wrap razor wire with military quality, competitive price and fast delivery. If you want to know more information, please contact us Email