Views: 10 Author: Hebei Zhengyang Wire Mesh Products Co,Ltd Publish Time: 2016-07-25 Origin: Site
July 23 afternoon in one Beijing Wildlife Park, two female tourists traveling by car , were attacked by tiger in the area of the beast, resulting that one people dead and one injured. Someone who know a little about it ,said the accidents are happened in a family of four, including three adults and a child. When the vehicle traveling to the region of Siberian tiger, young men and women made some quarrel,.Then the woman suddenly get out from the car and pulled the door on the side of the man off, the result is one tiger jump out and bite her. Older woman seeing young woman were ran off, immediately get off to rescue the younger, but she was killed by another tiger and towed away.
Accidents, always difficult to prevent. But we have the ability to prevent the occurrence of the same.Our barbed wire will be your best helper.A person or animal trying to pass through or over barbed wire will suffer discomfort and possibly injury. Barbed wire fencing requires only fence posts, wire, and fixing devices such as staples. It is simple to construct and quick to erect, even by an unskilled person.
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Tel: +86-311-67263936